• date

    Tue 05.09.2023

  • time

    9:30 am - 11:30 am

  • State


  • Location


  • Duration

    2 Hours

  • Cost


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Authentic Video Creation

Have you found it challenging to make and publish video content for your business marketing?

  • Maybe you squirm when you think about talking in front of the camera?
  • Does it make you cringe to see yourself on the screen “blabbing away”?
  • Perhaps you wonder if it does any good for your business anyway?
  • You might also be confused about what gear, lighting, place would be best to record your videos?
  • Or…are you just simply overwhelmed, unsure where to start and so popping it (wrapped in a nice bow) into the “too hard basket”?

As small business owners, we know we need to be online but can find ourselves pushing this item waaaay down to the to-do list.

Customers and clients are people…and what do people long for the most?

They long to connect.

When you can show up as yourself – authentically – on video, you create a super easy opportunity for the right clients to connect with you – without you even having to be there!

I know it’s hard – “argh my face, argh my voice why did I say it that way?” – these voices pop up mighty loud when we start approaching that camera.

And…there are ways to befriend and quiet them down so you can get online and start connecting – authentically – with more people who are longing to find you!

During this two hour workshop with content creator Mira Rao you’ll be given:

  • Inspiration and tools to create more confidence for getting on camera.
  • Support to develop the right mindset that helps you tap into the natural charisma and confidence you have when you connect to your passion and purpose.
  • An efficient strategy to get you out of overwhelm and get you started.
  • Tips and tools for how to generate ideas for content that feels good to you.
  • Easy to follow guidance on simple tools you can use to create authentic videos that connect with your audience and future clients and customers.

If this touches a nerve in you or inspires you to think that just maybe you could start creating authentic video content this is a workshop not to miss.