Wed 28.02.2024
9:30 am - 11:30 am
2 Hours
Have you found it challenging to make and publish video content for your business marketing?
As small business owners, we know we need to be online but can find ourselves pushing this item waaaay down to the to-do list.
Customers and clients are people…and what do people long for the most?
They long to connect.
When you can show up as yourself – authentically – on video, you create a super easy opportunity for the right clients to connect with you – without you even having to be there!
I know it’s hard – “argh my face, argh my voice why did I say it that way?” – these voices pop up mighty loud when we start approaching that camera.
And…there are ways to befriend and quiet them down so you can get online and start connecting – authentically – with more people who are longing to find you!
During this two hour workshop with content creator Mira Rao you’ll be given:
If this touches a nerve in you or inspires you to think that just maybe you could start creating authentic video content this is a workshop not to miss.