Level Up with LinkedIn: Tips for Effective Use

  • date

    Wed 06.03.2024

  • time

    9:30 am - 11:30 am

  • State


  • Location


  • Duration

    2 Hours

  • Cost


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Level Up with LinkedIn: Tips for Effective Use

Delve deeper into LinkedIn’s capabilities as a robust business development and marketing tool. Explore the expanding landscape of this influential online platform that continues to foster connections, knowledge, and growth opportunities.

This workshop will cover:

  • Navigating company pages and leveraging the potential of LinkedIn groups effectively;
  • Understanding the nuances of LinkedIn advertising;
  • Harnessing the features within LinkedIn creator mode and creator tools to enhance content creation;
  • Staying informed about LinkedIn’s latest updates and emerging functionalities; and
  • Exploring valuable tips and tricks, such as managing contacts, exporting connections, leveraging search-saving capabilities, and utilising LinkedIn’s educational resources for continuous learning.


Duration: 2 hours