With the Right Digital Solutions, You Can:

Increase Brand Awareness

Reach new customers and build a strong online presence for your business.

  • Boost SEO and get found on Google.
  • Upgrade your website to improve the user experience.
  • Use social media to connect with new and existing clients
Grow Sales

Implement effective e-commerce and marketing strategies and watch your sales soar.

  • Set-up a CRM to track leads and manage clients.
  • Learn how customers search for new products and services.
  • Reach the right customers with a tailored digital marketing strategy.
Save Time and Money

Learn how to use digital tools efficiently and free up valuable resources.

  • Set-up a CRM to track leads and manage clients.
  • Add booking and payment systems to your website.
  • Use your business software to automate and reduce admin tasks.
Gain a Competitive Edge

Stay ahead of the curve and get a digital advantage in today's market.

  • Deliver outstanding customer service with digital solutions.
  • Use digital tools to offer services your competitors can’t.
  • Safeguard your business with best-practice Cyber Security measures.

How It Works

Through Digital Solutions you can meet with a digital advisor to have your business's digital needs assessed, receive a tailored Digital Action Plan to support your digital transformation, work 1:1 with a digital expert, and access a host of free expert-led workshops and online resources.
  • Free Unlimited

    Workshops and Webinars

    Learn essential digital skills from industry experts, conveniently delivered online or in person.

    Tailored Support

    1:1 Digital Expert Advice

    Up to 4 hours support for just $110 to help you with anything digital in your business.

  • Free

    Online Resources

    Access self-paced tutorials, how to guides, podcasts and more to kick-start your online success.


    Digital Assessment

    Complete a short survey to help you identify where your business will benefit from digital support.


See How Real Businesses Are Thriving With Digital Solutions

We are helping small businesses across Western Australia, Queensland and Northern Territory bring their businesses into the digital age

Driveway Clean & Seal – From Frustration to Facebook leads

The program was a game-changer! I no longer have to wait for calls. Now, I have control over lead generation and can confidently grow my business.”

Dee Simich

Read how Digital Solutions helped Dee transform her business

Conscious Copy – Optimising Operations

I have already referred several clients to the program. For a nominal fee, business owners have access to extra support from business leaders in Queensland who have their fingers on the pulse of the latest issues and opportunities that businesses are facing in the digital domain.”

Amy Braes

Read how Digital Solutions helped Amy transform her business

TeamLab – Builds Digital Confidence

The program was fantastic! It helped me understand the challenges specific to service-based businesses online. I feel much more comfortable managing my website now.”

Christine Kuca-Thompson

Read how Digital Solutions helped Christine transform her business

Intro to Digitising Your Business
Using Small Business Software
Online Security and Data Privacy
Websites and Selling Online
Social Media and Digital Marketing

Who can we help?

Eligibility Criteria

  • Must have an active ABN
  • Be operating for profit
  • Have less than 20 full time employees
  • Be based in Queensland, Western Australia or the Northern Territory

Government Funded Program

Digital Solutions

Digital Solutions is an Australian Government initiative that supports small businesses to adopt digital tools and develop their digital capabilities.

Find out more about our delivery partners in Western Australia, Queensland and the Northern Territory
